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Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Third Eye Infinity Meditation

In this meditation we install an infinity sign into the third eye chakra. This activation allows us to perceive the infinite within each finite form, and access multidimensional probabilities within our imagination.
September 25, 2023
Guided Meditation

Resting Meditation

I invite you to embark on a transformative journey of deep inner rest and profound connection. In this guided meditation, I will guide you to gently surrender and merge with the vast, boundless ocean of universal love, inviting a profound sense of peace, tranquility, and alignment with your true essence. Tune in and allow yourself to be cradled in the embrace of the great unknown, where the transformative power of love awaits.
June 19, 2023
Guided Meditation

Light Body Meditation

In this meditation we visit the Ascension Temple in Luxor, Egypt to activate our Light Body at a deeper level within our consciousness. The Ascended Masters assist us through this potent experience.
June 8, 2023
Guided Meditation

Money Meditation

In this meditation we visit the Bank of Infinite Supply, and withdraw $100 million of our wealth to be used in the physical realm. The Archangels aid and assist us with this task and bestow energetic gifts.
June 3, 2023
Guided Meditation

4th Eye Meditation

In this meditation we install the 4th Eye into the crown chakra with the help of the Archangels. This activation allows us to integrate the unified field into our physical aura, so that we can perceive ourselves from the eye of All That Is within the physical realm.
June 1, 2023
Guided Meditation

Circle of Love Meditation

In this meditation we create, install, and activate a circle of love technology within our aura, which acts as an infinite intelligence that guards us from negative intrusive thoughts. When love enters, fear exits.
May 28, 2023