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Global MeditationPodcast
Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation
In the quantum field there are thousands of probable futures we can shift into, so we are doing this meditation to cast our vote to experience the most optimal timeline possible. This Ascension timeline is where we transform our collective shadow into Light, and begin the Golden Age of Aquarius that heralds world peace and abundance for all. The Coronavirus is one of the shadow aspects that we will be transmuting back into Light. The guided meditation is about 20 minutes long, and starts after my introduction at the 5:15 minute mark. It's recommended by Cobra to do the meditation at the exact moment of the Jupiter Pluto conjunction, which opens a powerful Light portal we can use to magnify our intentions. The exact moment is at 7:45PM PST on 04-04-2020. We are aiming to synchronize in meditation at that exact moment in your timezone, however doing the meditation at any time will also be beneficial. When meditating remember how…
MaksimApril 3, 2020
Global Meditation
Indigo Minute Yemen Peace Meditation Update
This is an update to all the Light Workers that participated in the Indigo Minute Yemen peace meditations. Our collective visualizations to clear the electromagnetic darkness, negative thought forms, and emotional imbalances in the land and people of Yemen were successful. The clearing of these negative nonphysical energies has manifested in a physical way with a complete halt of the United Arab Emirates offensive on Hodeidah, Yemen: UAE announces pause in Hudaida offensive: UAE halts attack on Yemen port city to help UN negotiator: In Yemen, a Pause in Fighting Raises Hopes for Peace Talks: Saudi-led coalition announces pause in Yemen offensive to let UN negotiate with Houthi rebels: Although news of these positive developments were released yesterday, it is important to note that the UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash said, "the pause had been in effect since June 23" which is the day we did a physical meditation at the beach to bring peace to…
MaksimJuly 2, 2018
EventsGlobal Meditation
UNIFY: Global Meditation at Lightning In A Bottle
Unify held an incredible global meditation experience at this year's Lightning In A Bottle festival. Our synchronized intention was to visualize all the water reservoirs of California and the entire world being abundantly filled for the greatest good of all. Thousands gathered physically, and hundreds of thousands globally as we became one with water through the power of our self love. It was a beautiful ceremony as our powerful intentions rippled through the world creating physical changes in our collective consciousness. Sign up to participate in future global meditations at
MaksimJune 4, 2015